Seaside Chamber of Commerce
We pride ourselves in the outstanding events and programs we produce each year including Pouring at the Coast, a craft beer festival held in the month of March; coordination of the city’s 4th of July fireworks display; Seaside Beach Volleyball tournament, one of the largest amateur beach volleyball tournaments in the world, the second weekend in August; hosting the beer garden at the finish line for Hood to Coast, a relay race from Mt. Hood to the Pacific Ocean; Yuletide in Seaside, a collection of holiday events that include the Holiday Gift Fair, lighted parade, community Christmas tree with Santa and a community sing-a-long; and an annual awards banquet that celebrates our outstanding businesses and members, as well as the annual Byron Award winner which recognizes Seaside’s outstanding citizen.
The Seaside Chamber is a member of CEDR, Clatsop Economic Development Resource; the Seaside Museum; Seaside Downtown Development Association; neighboring Chambers in Astoria/Warrenton and Cannon Beach; Seaside Rotary Club; and the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce.
There are many benefits of membership which include access to committees; networking opportunities; education via our relationship with the SBDC (Small Business Development Corp.); business advocacy, both locally and at the state level; business promotion via this directory, our information system in the foyer of our building and a wall rack for member brochures inside the Chamber/Visitor Bureau lobby.
In addition to committees for each of the events, there are also Ambassadors, Governmental Affairs, Finance, and Board of Directors. The Chamber hosts a weeklynet working meeting "Good Morning Seaside" each Wednesday morning. Once a month, one of our members hosts Business After Hours. We boast a volunteer pool of over 100 people and that is our secret to so many successful events!
We are the heartbeat of Seaside, Oregon and we invite you to join us!